What age range are you?
13-15 15-17 17-21 21-25 25-30 30+ Elderly
What is your gender?
Female Male
What social class would describe you best?
Working Lower Middle Upper
Do you prefer mainstream or indie music?
Mainstream Indie
What genre are you interested in/watch?
Pop Rock Hip Hop Rap R&B Indie
How would you describe your personality?
Loud, extravagant, different, wild Reserved, chilled, quiet
Mainstream, follows latest trends,likes whats popular Individual, unique, own style
How often do you listen to music?
Everyday Few times a week When you feel like it Rarely Never
How often do you watch music videos?
Everyday Few times a week When you feel like it Rarely Never
What style do you like best in music videos?
13-15 15-17 17-21 21-25 25-30 30+ Elderly
What is your gender?
Female Male
What social class would describe you best?
Working Lower Middle Upper
Do you prefer mainstream or indie music?
Mainstream Indie
What genre are you interested in/watch?
Pop Rock Hip Hop Rap R&B Indie
How would you describe your personality?
Loud, extravagant, different, wild Reserved, chilled, quiet
Mainstream, follows latest trends,likes whats popular Individual, unique, own style
How often do you listen to music?
Everyday Few times a week When you feel like it Rarely Never
How often do you watch music videos?
Everyday Few times a week When you feel like it Rarely Never
What do you enjoy seeing most in music videos?
Clear Story line Abstract/modern themed Simple Live performance Serious and meaningful
Comical and lighthearted Structured dance routine
What style do you like best in music videos?
Creative, artistic and abstract Simple,modern,and minimalistic
Cutting edge,different and outlandish Original,traditional and in keeping
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